viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

Post 8 > 2014: Good and Bad Points (so far..)

Ok. I'm not one of those people who like to talk about their personal life like this. So I'm just gonna talk about this year. How's it been, the friends I've made', college and stuff. So, let's start.
I was really nervous at the beginning of the year. I came one day early because here was an activity to get to know each other before starting clases. Some people of the second year gave us breakfast and everything was really nice. There I started meeting with the people who were going to be some of my best friends in college.
The clases started and I felt really secure about myself. I've always been very lazy and I didn't started to get a study method. So the firsts months weren't so easy. I gave the best I could and it wasn't enough. I was starting to feel really bad about myself. That I wasn't really made for college, and things like that. I got a lot of support of my friends and got my energy a bit up.
At the end of the first semester I gave all that I could and still didn't passed two subjects. But I didn't let that make me feel bad.
I started this semester with my spirit really up, so that didn't happened again, but even like that, its not going so well for me. So now Im kinda like this: 

Besides of the academic stuff, this year has also brought lot of good stuff. I've made a lot of friends and I'm planning on keeping them. I've meet lots of people, of the career and outside of it, of older years and like that, I've partied a lot and I've been kind of a messy guy.

So this has been the year. I have to see what has to come yet. I hope to succed in everything that i want to, so wish me good luck ;D.

viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014

Post 7 (Week 9) >> How green are you?

The day is today. And you already know what we are going to talk. How green am I???

To be sincere, I'm not a very green person, but not because I don't care about the enviroment, but because I think that I don't do enough to help it.
I like nature, so I'm starting to have more plants, in my house and in my room. I know it helps a lot to enviroment to reduce the pollution of the air.
(My baby is like this, but a lot younger, it need to grow up more ;D)

Recycling is not something I usually do, but I would like to learn how to and eventually start doing it.
I'm not part and I dont support any kind of enviromental group, because I think that if someone like me wants to make a change in the way he/she does the things, it shoul start by him/herself.
I almost never use bikes, I rather to walk the close distances. I use more the public transportation than the car.

I would like to keep growing my collection of plants. I'm just starting, but botanics have ever been interesting to me, and I think that I'm starting a new hobby (If it also helps the world, why not?)
To reduce the carbon footprint I've done the effort to reduce the car use and to reutilce things in my house, like plastic bottles and bags, to not just throw  the in the trash.
I think our society needs to improve two important thing:
- The eviroment, with more green areas, more trees and plants, different species and places, to make them something that everyone likes and everyone cares about.

- Reduce the use of cars and motorcicles, learn to share the car if it is necesary. The government should improve pùblic transportation in a way that everyone wants to ride a bus instead of his own car.

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Post 6: Technology and social relations.

Hello good people!
Today I'm going to talk and give my opinion about something controversial: How technology has affected relationships between the people.
This has been a conversation theme since the invention of the smartphones. Little computers that you can carry everywhere you want and give you acces to the internet wherever you are. Of course, this was a very big improvement on almost every aspect of comunication, close and worldwide. The problen is that some failures have come to the light. Not mechanical, but human.

''The posibility to be conected to the world-web whenever we want to, had a big impact on social relations. The use of the smartphones has made people less aware of their actual situation and made them robot-like, disconecting from society.''
This is a quote that I personally don't agree with. I think it is up to the person. Yeah, having something like internet everywhere its kinda tempting, but you have to know the point where it leaves you aside of the real interaction with people.
This point is very important, because lots of people use this tool to be able to talk, maybe, with people they can't talk most of the time. Maybe to know new people, to learn, to do what they weren't able to do before.
I personally use it all day long, to speak with my classmates, to know what happened the day I missed classes, etc.
The problem is seen when people observe things like this:
The lack of interest on each other based on the posibility of being somewhere else. This is what seems to be wrong, but the problem is that examples like this didn't appeared with the emerge of the smartphones...
It's completely our fault. We are the ones who try to avoid the interactions. The smartphones are just tools that made it easier.
We need to focus on the real problems, and those aren't the machines. The problem are the ones misusing them.
That' my point of view. Hope you agree with me :)

Post 5

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014

Post Nº3: The best concert ever.

Hello fellas, today I'm gonna talk about the best and only (yet) concert that I've been.
The famous...

This was my first concert, so I was very nervous about how would it be. To get the ticket was a really long line to wait, but I did. I waited almost a full day to get the ticket to the place I wanted, to realize that I could have gotten one for free -.-
I went to Movistar Arena the day before of the concert, to star waiting in the line (again). I meet some really amazing girls that helped me a lot in there. We slept together, the had a portable mattress and 
I had some coats, so we had a very good sleep, beside of the street noises. The day of the concert a friend of mine came along with me, and we started the entrance. It was a total caos. People were pushing from one side to another, I almost crushed a little boy by accident. In the inside of the stadium, it was a lot more relaxed. We waited another while, but they were selling some refreshings (very expensive though, and they didn't let anyone bring liquids inside) so we survived the heat. After a while in the middle of the crowd, we wanted to get out because my friend wasn't feeling very well. In the walkthrough we had to push some people to get out, and something, or maybe somebody, scratched my arm and let a cut from my wrist to half of my left arm. Outside the crowd we saw all the peaople on the gallery. they all sounded really happy and excited. We met La Botota and I saw Javiera Acevedo.
When the concert finally started, all of the stress of those two days was worth every single second. It was amazing. All of what is Lady Gaga embodied on a scenario. The music and especially her voice were perfect. 

It was the best concert I have ever been into, and I have a scar that will remind me of that forever.

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Post 2; Week 5. If you could have a super power, which one would it be?

Hi guys, today I'm gonna talk about a topic wich has been in my mind for a really long time. It's something that I usually think about, because I'm always daydreaming, or sleeping :P. It's about superpowers; wich one would I choose and why.

I've always been a big fan of comic books, fantasy games and movies, and those always let you thinking, what would happen if I could do all of those things. What if I had the strenght of Superman, the speed of Flash, the climatic powers of Storm, and all those kind of super abilities

My favorite superpower has always been Telekinesis: The power of moving objects just by the will of your mind, even if they're big or small. It has always been for me something extraordinary, because is the strenght of your mind overwhelming your physical's.

There are several characters that have always been showing me how powerful and fun would it be to have this superpower, but how dangerous might it be. 

Jean Gray
She was my favorite character, because of her superpowers. She was very strong and could also read minds. But at the end of the story she became evil, because her power was stronger than herself.

Based of the book with the same name, this movie was really important to me. She was a little girl who wasn't loved for her family, and because of this and her intelligence, she discovers this superpower that helps her go through her life.

She had a mother who new she was different, and wanted her to be safe, not in the best form by the way. She new she was strong and different, and when a joke on her took an evil twist, she took revenge on all of those who bullied her using her own hands (or not).

If I had this power, I'm sure I would use it almost everyday, but I would like to keep it hidden, to not stand out too much. It would help me in the most simple and most difficult opportunities. Doing everyday chores and maybe being a some kind of hero for the people who need help. And plus it would be really fun to get the remote control from far away when you're so comfy in bed.

I think it's possible from it to get dangerous, just as some examples up above. But as long as I can keep it controled, it shouldn't be harmfull to anyone, except from the bad guys.

Well, I think that's it for today. I hope you like this entry and think in a similar way as I do. Telekinesis could be, in my opinion, the best power to have, and maybe sometimes, to fear.... muajajajaja!

Bye >:D